Backyards of Key West Podcast with Mark Baratto 187: #187 – A sit down with D. Arther & Lisa Wilson on their wildly successful art career

In this episode, Mark Baratto sits down with famed artists D. Arthur Wilson and Lisa Wilson of Wilson Signature Collection Fine Art Gallery.
We talk about how they both got started on their art journey and the origin of Rhupert by D. Arthur.
More about D. Arthur Willson
Embarking in the fourth decade on his artistic journey, D. Arthur Wilson constantly marvels at the adventure his life has become. Born and raised near Dayton, Ohio and the son of an artist, his self-taught career began at the tender age of three with his first painting. It is appropriate to assume that the wild heart of the artist wandered throughout a series of artistic styles before settling with his passion and self-defined style of “Wild Expressionism”.
Moving from coast to coast as a quick sketch portrait artist allowed Wilson to explore the people and places that would eventually lead him to that first painting in his definitive style: the inaugural tiger, up close and personal that sold while on the easel before its completion. Since then, Wilson has created thousands of originals that capture the souls of the exotic, alluring beasts. Rendered on European Suede Mat Board with specific application of pastel, Conte’ crayon and charcoal, each is a masterpiece for generations to appreciate.
Wilson’s passion is not only for the wild menagerie that he paints, but for the preservation and conservation efforts as well. His affiliations include Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, Tippi Hedron’s Shambala Preserve, SEE-North Raptor Education and Rehabilitation Center, The Digit Fund, Mission Wolf, Nebraska Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Henry Doorly Zoo, Denver Zoo, Little Rock Zoo, Cheetah Conservation Fund, and is included in Who’s Who in America. Wilson’s wild menagerie spans the globe with private and corporate collections around the world, and one animal in particular rose to the surface as his own character over a decade ago. “Rhupert the Ostrich” emerged as D. Arthur’s Wacky Philosopher and Lovable Icon and has collectors in all 50 states as well as numerous countries. Rhupert’s pure and positive message is one that Wilson lives on a daily basis: “Be Yourself”. and in the words of Oscar Wilde, “Life Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously”. Rhupert is a metaphor about the Human Condition, always reminding us to simply Be Ourselves, because quite frankly, everyone else is already taken!
Wilson states:
“One of the most challenging undertakings a person can face, is to find out who you are, be who you are and then share who you are”.
More about Lisa Wilson
“…a dramatic blend of levity and profound depth, balanced with sensitivity and passion…”
This describes Abstract Expressionist, Lisa, to those who know her, and those who don’t …yet.
An artist for most of her life, her definitive style of Expressionism evolved from her experience, passion and love of life the beauty they have offered.
Each dramatic work of art is a prayer; an offering surrendered in a spirit of innocent play and exploration.
A Meditation…
Rendered in oil, acrylic, sculpting mediums and a multitude of color, on board, gold leaf or fine art acrylic, each Masterpiece begins to breathe.
With passionate relief, its topography unveils itself in a process upwards.
A journey of the soul, this artistic adventure has produced extraordinary images that evoke a primal reaction from Lisa’s audience, collectors coast to coast and abroad, stirring their hearts and sparking the imagination.
Contemporary, yet soulfully introspective, one needs only to pause and let her paintings speak; to quiet their souls for just this moment, communicate in the language of the heart.
An only child, she was fortunate to have endless artistic influences in her life that perpetuated a steady creative flow, beginning with the inspiration of her mother, an accomplished vocalist; her encouragement directly affected Lisa’s ability to push through, discover, and find her creative self. As a result, Lisa would spend hours creating, drawing, painting and immerse herself in art of every form.
An accomplished dancer, musician and vocalist, Lisa allowed the creative force to come forth and to flourish.
The joy of her family, the thrill experienced from raising her sons, living throughout the country, and experiencing the different rhythms of people have also been a major contributor to her perception and presentation of her art.
As a result, Lisa’s paintings grace homes and corporations internationally and throughout the country.
“Art is in the perception; and my art would be shallow without the tapestry of love and relationships that make my life so rich— thus contributing to the final outcome on the canvas.”
Website: https://artgonewildstudios.comGallery Website: Instagram: