Cuki the Ghost Ship

MELBOURNE BEACH, FL — Torn loose from her Key West anchor during Hurricane Irma’s gusts, Cuki the “ghost ship” floated in open water for than 300 miles up Florida’s East Coast before it became beached at Spessard Holland South Beach Park.
Photo Source: Unknown (contact us if this is yours!)
Wednesday, Jan 2nd 2019, Cuki’s bizarre voyage ended. The abandoned Columbia white-and-blue 45-foot sailboat [an temporary, if peculiar, Space Coast landmark] was demolished.
The sailboat mysteriously washed ashore in Sept 2017, discovered by morning beach jogger. The unoccupied “ghost ship” — and her mannequin passengers — drew national media attention. “OK” was spray-painted on her hull, indicating that the Coast Guard may have encountered the sailboat at sea.
Photo Credit: IAN GRONOSKY