12 day at Bahia Honda (poem)

After twelve days in the Keys
I’m not the man I use to be
Maybe I’m operating on a new frequency
Caught between crustaceans and creativity
There’s no place I’d rather be
Mr. Got no where to be
But Bahia here right now
To see the world with bright new eyes
I won’t let a little humidity or no-see-ums
bring me down
Send them away with a breeze
Then summon my dreams
Reach for the stars
I’ve got to quit trying so hard
My hammock swinging from those rusted steel beams
The Atlantic to my right
The Gulf on my left
My heart’s like an ocean
deeply connected in the center
Is this the part where life re-enters?
I’ve known for awhile I lost track of the real me
Let outside forces give me the third degree
I ask myself, how long will this medication last?
God knows I need another trip like that
Bahia Honda your stuck in my head
But I sure am happy to sleep in my own bed
I’m fairly good now, no grand plans,
or things I’ve got to do
But I feel this sense of deja vu?
The ocean breeze and that railroad bridge keep calling to me
Just like Flagler back in the early 20th century
Author Unknown