Lloyd’s Tropical Bike Tour
Experience the charm of Key West with a passionate local guide

Looking for the BEST way to experience Key West? This 2 hour bike tour, guided by 30+ year Key West resident Lloyd, takes you behind the scenes to the charm of Key West.
This leisurely bike tour, usually small groups of a dozen will tickle all five of your senses:
Explore the architectural styles
Enjoy quite back streets
See the former homes of author’s Shel Silverstein, Judy Blume and Tennessee Williams
Visit a secret beach
Smell the plumeria, royal poinciana, frangipani, aloe
Taste coconut, mango, avocado, tamarinds.
Explore endangered birds and experience LLoyd’s not-to-be-missed Ibis call — very reminiscent of the movie scene where Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) enter’s his apartment
GREAT add-on for your cruise ship! Super easy to get to, and the bike tour easily fits within your cruise itinerary with plenty of time left over to explore Key West.
Lloyds Tropical Bike Tour Website: http://lloydstropicalbiketour.com
Lloyd’s Tropical Bike Tour will be the low key tour that you weren’t quite sure about at first, but will become the highlight of your trip that you tell everyone about! Even better? Book your tickets through us and enjoy the Open Key West discount!
Tropical Bike Tour of Key West Tickets
* Everyone gets their own bike (single speed bike, no gears to shift) with a basket
* Children with you? Lloyd does a great job of involving the kids at every stop