Backyards of Key West podcast

Backyards of Key West Podcast with Mark Baratto 8: Craftsmen, Concerts & Cool with Billy Kearins of Coast Projects

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In this episode, Mark Baratto sits down with Billy Kearins of Coast Projects.

We talk about his humble beginnings, his love of Folk music, and how his local Key West shirt company is setting up to make some giant waves.

Also, be on the lookout for Billy’s film, “Keasy Rider” which comes out on September 17th at Tropic Cinema for the 72 Hour Film Challenge.

What is COAST?

We get that question a lot. And the truth is, it’s hard to explain — not because it’s abstract — but more so because you can look at it from many angles, and you can take from it as little or as much as you want.

Sure, we’re about bikes and boards and life by the sea — which is why we chose the purposefully ambiguously name COAST. But we’re about more than those tangible things that you see on the showroom floor and in the web store.

COAST is, in a general sense, about life on the edge — where land meets sea and the spirit of exploration and unknowing meet the safety of the shoreline. At COAST, we build the goods we need to lead the life we want to live — just like people did not too long ago. And with these time-honored tools in hand, we set out to push limits and to see what we’re made of – life on the edge.

But we also like to kick back our bare feet and enjoy life — coast along if you will.

And it’s this space — the blurring of work, play, and everyday life by the sea — that COAST is really about.

Coast Projects website:




Geoff Bergey

Florida Native, Traveler, Photographer, Lover of Life, Clouds and Key Lime Pie.

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