28: Behind the Scenes at Truman Little White House in Key West

Why did President Harry Truman establish his Little White House in Key West? Where was he frequently spotted around town? And what is it like to ride in one of his presidential limousines?
Find out as host Elizabeth Harryman Lasley and producer Jason Paton take you to Florida’s only presidential museum, the Harry S. Truman Little White House Museum. Clinton Curry, the museum’s operations director, takes us behind the scenes to reveal the man the public didn’t always see. And we take you for a ride in a 1950 Lincoln Cosmopolitan, one of his official limos.
The Harry S. Truman Little White House Museum is open 365 days a year. For more, go to trumanlittlewhitehouse.org.
For further details and travel inspiration, visit Fla-Keys.com. To call from the United States or Canada, dial 1 (800) FLA-KEYS or contact your travel advisor. Produced by Armchair Productions, the audio experts for the travel industry.