1: Sustainability Means ‘Connect & Protect’ in the Florida Keys

Among serene, mangrove-lined coastlines and aquamarine waters of the Atlantic Ocean teeming with indigenous fish and wildlife, the Florida Keys offer an abundance of natural beauty. In this episode, we hear from three people working to conserve these cherished natural resources, from the coral reefs of the ocean floor to the nodding green canopies of the tropical mangrove forests.
Thank you to our guests:
-Sabrina Diaz, Deputy Superintendent for Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks in South Florida: nps.gov/ever and nps.gov/drto/index.htm
-Sarah Fangman of the National Marine Sanctuaries: sanctuaries.noaa.gov and floridakeys.noaa.gov
-Bette Zirkelbach, Manager, The Turtle Hospital: turtlehospital.org
For more on the Florida Keys, go to fla-keys.com . To call from the United States or Canada, dial 1-800-F-L-A-K-E-Y-S or contact your travel advisor.
This episode was produced by Armchair Productions (armchair-productions.com), the audio experts for the travel industry. Elizabeth Harryman Lasley presented the show; Jason Paton and Charles Tyrie did the audio and sound mixing; and Aaron Millar and Jenny Allison produced it.