Mallory Square Silent Disco (Dec 2018)
Sunset Dance Party
Mallory Square Silent Disco // Sunset Dance Party
Event Date: 2018-12-20 17:00:00
Come make history with us at Mallory Square! All ages are invited!Tune in to your DJs, Johnny 2 Shots, TAKIMBA, and Scott, who are throwing a huge silent dance party at Mallory Square for the first time, EVER! Three DJs mean three different style of music you can choose from!
Just image…A beautiful Key West sunset with the charm of live performances surrounding you, then bam…your dancing!________________________________________
Instead of amplified sound using traditional speakers, our music is transmitted through a radio frequency to our headphones, that we share with you to join in on the fun. It’s a really great way to host a party, where noise laws get in the way of traditional means. If you want to have a conversation, just take one headphone off. No need to yell over someone else’s experience. With personal volume control, it’s like being in the front row wherever you are at the party. This is a family-friendly event, and we encourage you to bring whatever you’d like to contribute to the fun. Please bring a valid driver’s license for use of the headphones. A cash donation of $5/10 is suggested for the rental of the headphones and will require a valid photo IDCheck out this link for a video of how it looks:*
A limited supply of 100 are available, so make sure you get there right at 5pm!*As always, our Silent Discos are leave-no-trace events, so let’s leave Mallory cleaner than we found it.Oh, and don’t forget to check out the other parties we’re throwing :)Dec. 21 22
Mallory Square
400 Wall Street
33040 Key West
United States

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