20: Key Lime, Anyone? A Keys Culinary Adventure, Part One

What’s the origin of the Keys’ iconic, tangy yet sweet signature dessert? What is ‘pucker perfect’? Find out on this episode as host Elizabeth Harryman Lasley and producer Jason Paton learn secrets about the tiny Key lime and its namesake pie.
Meet Key West chef Paul Menta, our guide to Florida Keys cuisine, and Kermit Carpenter, founder of Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe.
For more information about Paul Menta, check out his website paulmenta.com. For more on Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe, go to keylimeshop.com.
For more details and travel inspiration, visit Fla-Keys.com. To call from the United States or Canada, dial 1 (800) FLA-KEYS or contact your travel advisor. Produced by Armchair Productions, the audio experts for the travel industry.