Fringe Theater Key West Announces Lineup for the 2023-24 Season

Fringe Theater Key West
October 5 2023
For almost 15 years, the original and eclectic Fringe Theater Key West has cultivated a devoted
following of “Fringe Folks” who can’t get enough of its unique brand of cutting-edge theater. So
what does Fringe have planned in the season ahead?
“It’s another year of entertaining, thought-provoking, laugh out loud, and award-winning theater,”
promises Fringe Board President Jim Argoudelis. “We are challenging ourselves by partnering
with more nonprofits and including even more people in our season than ever before!”
Fringe is well-known as an innovative theater company that keeps surprising its audiences with its
capacity to reinvent its performance space, push artistic boundaries, and nurture playwrights,
directors, designers, and actors. All this while delivering top-notch performances that sell out
quickly due to Fringe’s intimate theater setting and often (very) short show runs.
“Our goal always is to ignite people’s passion for the theater,” says Rebecca Tomlinson, Fringe’s
Managing Artistic Director. “We love to work with folks who used to do theater, always wanted to
do theater, or just don’t happen to be doing theater at the moment. It’s a real thrill to give folks a
chance to develop their skills as artists. And, of course, we particularly love the folks that want to
come to the theater and watch us do it!”
This season, Fringe offers eight Main Stage productions at three different venues!
In November, battle lines are drawn with Yasmina Reza’s award-winning comedy ART. Three old
friends square off when a very expensive painting calls into question just what is real art and true
friendship. Art is directed by Rebecca Tomlinson and stars Trey Forsyth, Thomas Masat, and Tim
Dahms. It runs November 7-11 at 7pm in the Key West Armory, located at 600 White Street.
In December, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson promises mischief and
mayhem when the town's young hoodlums enact a coup at the annual Christmas pageant and
unexpectedly teach the town the true meaning of Christmas. Presented in partnership with Bravo
Theatre and more than 30 youth performers! The show is directed by Lauren Thompson and Penny
Leto. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever runs December 12-16 at 7pm in the Key West Armory, with
a special 2pm matinee on the 16 th . Family-friendly pricing for this holiday show!
Also in December, An Evening with Lillian Baxter, created and performed by John Vessel and Jay
Schwandt, returns with its unique brand of optimism and show stopping tunes as everyone’s favorite
‘has-been’ prepares for her comeback tour. Don’t miss this delightful musical memoir of the
greatest star nobody's ever heard of — Lillian Baxter! This show runs December 27-31 at 7pm in the
Little Room Jazz Club, located at 821 Duval Street.
In January, Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche by Evan Linder and Andrew Hobgood serves up a tasty
recipe of hysterical laughs at the 1956 annual meeting of the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters
of Gertrude Stein. The award-winning over-the-top comedy is directed by Glenda Donovan and stars
Caroline Taylor, Diane May, Donna Stabile, Samantha Laskey, and Jessica Newman. Five Lesbians
Eating a Quiche runs January 10-20 at 7pm in the Key West Armory.
In February, Key West Characters: True Stories celebrates the tales of real Key West folks in an
evening of short plays, monologues, and music. This show is presented in partnership with Williams
Hall and features works inspired by Mrs Ellen Sanchez, Sushi, Frank Merlo, Bettie Page, Sandy
Cornish, Fats Navarro, Papio, Barbara Mabrity, and more! Funded in part by an Art Builds Culture
grant from the Florida Keys Council of the Arts. Key West Characters runs February 22 and 23 at
Williams Hall, located at 729 Fleming Street. Special Pricing for this community favorite!
In March, the contemporary musical The Last Five Years, by Jason Robert Brown, explores love and
loss between two artists whose first date and last goodbye take place over five years. This engaging
musical is directed by Lauren Thompson with Musical Direction by Michael Fauss. It runs March 13-
23 at 7pm in the Key West Armory.
In April, the main stage season closes with the white-knuckle thriller Death & the Maiden, by Ariel
Dorfman. This award-winning riveting drama will leave you wondering just who to believe. At what
cost, revenge? Death & the Maiden is directed by Rebecca Tomlinson and stars Mike Mulligan,
Lauren Thompson, and Aramis Ikatu. It runs April 17-27 at 7pm in the Key West Armory.
But wait, there’s more than just main stage shows in Fringe’s 15 th Anniversary season! Fringe is
developing a NEW PLAYS SHOWCASE which will feature new Key West plays including End of
the Road by Chris Moore, Mile Zero – Last Call at the Red Door by Arthur Riordan, and The Real
Treasure by Karen Leonard.
To learn more about Fringe events, go to or email the Fringe admin office
at To purchase tickets, go or call the KeysTix Box
Office at 305-295-7676.
Fringe Theater Key West is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates unique opportunities for people to
see and do theater through workshops, readings, and mainstage productions. Fringe is a vibrant
and innovative theater company dedicated to creating engaging, thought-provoking, and diverse
theatrical experiences in Key West.